In-service training continues in Cambodia and in Lao PDR

Cambodia & Lao PDR

October 10, 2022
Views: 706
In-service training continues in Cambodia and in Lao PDR

The SEALAB project aims at developing an advanced approach for improving the efficacy of training of laboratory professionals.

Well trained laboratory staff is an important requirement to reinforce public health in Cambodia and in Lao PDR. De-centralization of laboratory technology to laboratories of provincial hospitals is a necessary move to expand access to diagnostics.

This move will allow technology transfer to improve access to new technology for patients to be better tested and treated. In August 2022 in Lao PDR, a training program brought together lab technicians from the five hospitals participating in the SEALAB project. They met at the Khammuan Provincial Hospital to perform CD4 counts, CD4 percentages of lymphocytes and hemoglobin concentration in human blood using the BD FACSPresto™ system. This innovative technology increases and improves access to treatment and care for HIV patients by offering CD4 results from venous and capillary blood in only 20 minutes.

In Cambodia, implementation of the training program started in September 2022. The Mérieux Foundation and its partner, BMLS, delivered effective training by organizing an assessment of the trainees needs and expectations and selecting trainees by their experience and considering who would most benefit from training.

The training modules were developed by the local trainers and the BMLS included clear and concise content backup by photos taken in provincial laboratories. These modules were adapted for the trainees’ specific environment and background, combining theoretical and practical presentations. All modules were presented onsite so that participants could put what they learned into practice. The 3-day training on immuno-hematology delivered in September 2022 at Battambang provincial hospital resulted in an increase the pre-test score from 63% to a post-test score of 92%.

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