March 7, 2022Louis Delorme, Deputy Director of the Department of International Operations, visited the Merieux Foundation’s team in Cambodia from February 22-25, 2022. The objective of the visit was to meet with the country representative Dr. Mardy Sek and to review with the team all activities that have been implemented in Cambodia with a focus on the SEALAB project.
After reviewing in detail the progress of the project with the Merieux Foundation’s team, he met Dr. Sokunna, Bureau of Medical Laboratory Services (BMLS) and Dr. Sorn San, General Directorate of Animal Health and Production (GDAHP), who will replace Dr. Holl Davun who passed away in early February. These meetings provided the opportunity to discuss proposed amendments to the 7th Strategy Plan, namely, laboratory supervision and control, that will include coaching the microbiology laboratory of Battambang and Kampong Cham referral hospitals to apply for accreditation ISO 15189.