August 19, 2021The NRL delivered a virtual training on risk management on August 17, 2021. The presentation has highlighted how risk management underpins most of the QMS processes and why implementing a QMS is a risk management strategy.
What is a risk, especially in medical laboratory? Vee gave some examples:
The second consideration was to show options to mitigate risks:
Amazingly Vee demonstrated that this applies to the daily life and for example to the risks linked with driving car. We can avoid the risk if we do not drive the car, we can accept the risk and so drive the car, we can transfer the risk by asking someone else to drive the car and finally we can limit the risk if we buy a car with the highest safety rating.
In medical laboratory, risk management consists in identifying, assessing and scoring, mitigating, registering and monitoring the risk. Lab professionals know that things can go wrong in medical labs, for example equipment and materials (reagents…) are used in processes by people working in facilities. Problems and errors can occur anywhere.
Vee has conducted an initial practical session with the participants on risks on storage and handling of test reagents. They were asked to identify 2 potential risks, to list the likely consequences if the risk happened and for each consequence identified, to propose at least one action to manage it if the risk happened.
Introducing the one-to-one mentoring session as a risk assessment is an important part of several individual QMS processes. “Quality Champions” are now working on preparing SOP or to improve existing SOP on risk management. Mentoring sessions are scheduled as below: