December 13, 2022The Myanmar Knowledge Transfer Platform, developed using the open-source Moodle learning platform, and dedicated to the SEALAB project in Myanmar is now complet. The seventh and final module on “Data Management for Medical Laboratories” is now available on the platform.
The module supplements the curriculum offered to reinforce the capacity of laboratory technicians working for private laboratories. The learning platform now includes seven knowledge sharing modules of which three are certified.
The data management module was developed by the IQLS, a partner of the SEALAB project, in collaboration with the Mérieux Foundation’s team in Myanmar.
A short introductory video presents the topics of the module:
Poor sample management inevitably leads to delayed clinical reporting or, worse, lost samples. Nevertheless, efficient sample management requires consistent processes and ways of working, as well as secure and effective data management.
Private and public laboratories must handle complex data, equipment, system access, labeling, sample tracking, and essential communications within the laboratory. Modern laboratories now have need to store huge amounts of data, automate workflows and are constantly searching for ways to effectively manage and secure the data.
At the end of the two-hour module, laboratory professionals can learn how samples and data management are linked, and how they can find solutions to address the data and process management challenges confronted by those working in the laboratory.