Pilot phase of NTS in Cambodia update


November 21, 2022
Views: 382
Pilot phase of NTS in Cambodia update

The objective of submitting a proposal for the guidelines of a National Sample Transportation in Cambodia is to provide direction in the setting up of a well-coordinated, standardized, reliable, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable sample transport system that is satisfactory for the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the General Directorate of Animal Health and Production (GDAHP/MAFF).

An initial survey involving 37 laboratories from human and animal health sectors documented the flow of samples, the various means of transportation and the impact on the quality of the samples. The findings were presented during a workshop held in Phnom Penh in July 2022, which brought together partners and key stakeholders to work on defining a 3-month pilot phase.

Three refferal provincial hospital laboratories and 8 district hospital laboratories were selected in the provinces of Battambang, Kampong Cham and Takeo, while 3 provincial refferal hospital laboratories and 6 district hospital laboratories were selected as controls in the provinces of Kampong Chhnang, Kampot and Siem Reap. The provincial offices of the Animal Health and Production (POAHP) do not have operational laboratories in the three selected provinces and send samples to the NAHPRI.

After identifying a transportation company that covered all the provinces and districts, the Mérieux Foundation provided training for both the laboratory technicians and the transportation company staff on how to package the samples (see video produced in Kampong Cham lab) and fill in the forms for collecting the necessary data. ( see forms).

A two-week preliminary phase was implemented in two provinces to test the procedure and logistics. The 3-month pilot phase started on October 15, 2022 and will end on January 15, 2023. After one month the system is running without any problems and the preliminary feedbacks from the laboratories in the provinces are very positive. The two techniciens on site (TOS) who participated in the in-service training are monitoring the collection and checking of the data.

When the pilot phase has ended, the Epi-Unit of the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia will analyze data to provide recommendations to a working group composed of GDAHP, BMLS and key stakeholders. The working group will work together on a proposal for a well-coordinated, standardized, reliable, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable sample transport system which will be presented to MOH and MAFF during a workshop.

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