Training on QMS for veterinary sector in Cambodia


January 24, 2022
Views: 744
Training on QMS for veterinary sector in cambodia

Implementation of a quality management system according to international standards is considered a big challenge by the National Animal Health and Production Research Institute (NAHPRI). Nevertheless, implementation of this system is the key intervention to improve the laboratory performance.

A 4-day training course on QMS was organized by IQLS from January 17-20, 2022 at the General Directorate for Animal Health and Production (GDAHP) involving participants from management and all laboratory departments. During the course the team visited the NAHPRI facilities allowing to develop better adapted presentations and recommendations. The Quality team will also be invited to visit the Central Media Making Laboratory (CMML) at UHS to better set up an accredited laboratory (ISO-9001).

The IQLS lab experts, Dr. Arsen Zakaryan and Mrs. Vivian Fensham, delivered training on the theoretical background and practical expertise required to efficiently implement a quality management system that will facilitate accreditation.

The course was designed to:

  • understand laboratory quality management principles,
  • understand how an ISO based quality management system is integrated in the routine laboratory processes,
  • gain detailed insight in how to efficiently implement the quality management system.

The main topics presented and discussed included: laboratory premises, flow optimization, QA vs. QMS, laboratory documentation and master list development, policy, procedures, SOPs, forms and reminders, processes in the laboratory, staff and training management, staff management, qualitative IQC, and norms-standards-audits-ISO.

This training permitted the participants to:

  • apply the principles of quality management,
  • understand the purpose and mechanisms of ISO quality system elements in assuring quality laboratory services,
  • coordinate the process of quality management system implementation.

The training provides an understanding of the concepts of quality and quality management, but implementation of a quality management system on a day-to-day basis is a challenging process. For this reason, IQLS distributed USB flash drives with training materials and documents, templates and other tools to implement a stepwise plan for day-to-day implementation of a quality management system. Additionally, Mrs. Vivian Fensham, based in Cambodia, will follow-up and support progress of activities planned in the 6-month work-plan while Dr. Arsen Zakaryan will ensure virtual assistance when required.

Staff turnover is a factor causing problems with retaining skills and competence. Quality improvement requires continuous, medium to long term, development and strong commitment from management and laboratory staff. The rapid survey conducted among participants during the QMS training showed that career attractiveness and the delivery of training are the main drivers for retaining lab professionals.

Motivating criteria Score
The lab work is a passion (moving to ISO is a supplementary motivation) 5
Getting responsibility 3
Good environment for working (heads of units are supportive) 2
Workload/days off – pressure at work is well balanced 3
Delivery of regular trainings on QMS 6
Opportunity for career development (Master becoming staff of NAHPRI vs. contracted staff)/ Promotion 7
Income (increase salary, missions) 5
Health Insurance provided 3

NAHPRI management acknowledged the importance of:

  • reinforcing the quality team,
  • creating better job security, career attractiveness and remuneration conditions,
  • delivering continuous QMS training,
  • fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The training course will ended with a final assignment in which participants developed a quality work-plan to kick-start implementation of the quality management system in NAHPRI:

  • Reinforcing and strengthening the Quality team responsible of the completion activities planned
  • Developing a Quality Policy document to be endorsed by NAHPRI and GDAHP Directors
  • Developing a Quality Manual
  • Updating a SOP master list for QMS implementation
  • Identifying documents to be updated or to be developed within QMS
  • Organization of regular workshops to disseminate improvements to all lab staff

IQLS will provide templates and support necessary to write SOPs and other documents. IQLS, the Merieux Foundation and participants appreciated the dedicated support of Dr. Holl Davun, Deputy-Director of GDAHP, and of Dr. Tum Sothyra, Director of NAHPRI as facilitators during these 4 days of intensive training. At the end of the training course participants received a attendance certificate.

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