Validation of the Action-Plan in Lao PDR


December 15, 2021
Views: 751
Validation of the Action-Plan in Lao PDR

The NCLE and NAHL met on August 13, 2021 to finalize the Action-Plan of the SEALAB project.

The Action-Plan is a critical document as it describes in detail all the activities to be implemented and a time table to complete the SEALAB project.

However the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase in Lao PDR leading the government to extend the lockdown and meeting restrictions. For this reason the formal meeting to present the Action-Plan has been regularly postponed.

Although the commitment and flexibility of NCLE and NAHL has allowed SEALAB to initiate some activities, it was important to organize this meeting to officially endorse this Action-Plan as the implementation program of activities is extremely busy for the next months.

The Mérieux Foundation therefore organized a meeting by videoconference with participants from NAHL and NCLE to validate the Action-Plan. The action-plan will be presented to other key stakeholders when restrictions are released.

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